The COP27 ended amidst global inflation and economic crisis, with the summit agreement making global temperature control targets increasingly difficult to achieve, and the newly established "Loss and Damage" fund only formally established, with no real action plan. This report argues that global climate governance is moving in the direction of "de facto". There are two reasons for this state of affairs: on the one hand, the "politicization" of climate governance, which is reflected in the role of Western green power in global climate governance and negotiations. The report uses Germany and the United States as examples to outline and evaluate their political roles and climate policies at home; on the other hand, the "moralization" of climate governance is reflected in the increased focus on "just transition" and "next generation" issues. The report argues that, in this context, climate governance will be "moralized," as evidenced by a greater focus on "just transition" and "next generation" issues. The report argues that under such circumstances, China's climate diplomacy should be "both real and imaginary", under the clear principle of not politicizing climate issues, and in "real" climate diplomacy, it should fully and comprehensively data and case study China's story; while in the "imaginary" climate diplomacy In the "virtual" climate diplomacy, we can use Taoism and Confucian ethics to buttress the "moralization" of the West, highlighting the universal value of "unity of heaven and man" in Taoism and Confucian ethics, and the Western values of China's blockade and isolation can be overcome by using climate issues as a grip.
Research Questions
The substantive regression and formal "progress" of COP27
The New Scenario of Global Climate Governance: "De-realization to Virtualization"
How China should conduct climate diplomacy: A combination of reality and fiction