President's Message


President's Message

Over the past forty years of reform and opening, China has continuously driven forward practical, theoretical and institutional innovation, achieving ‘the Chinese Miracle’: soaring growth, institutional transformation, and finally competitive breakthrough. Meanwhile the world is going through shattering change such has not been seen in a century. Global governance is locked in a struggle between forces seeking to uphold multilateralism and democratization of the global order, and an anti-globalization grounded in narrowly defined national interest. Severe fragmentation makes reformulation of global rules both more urgent and more problematic.

As a broad-based social science research institution combining the functions of academic centre of excellence and policy think tank, IIA has from its inception focused on conducting original, independent, world-class academic and policy research. In adopting a global, forward-looking, evidence-based approach to the study of public policy and international affairs, we seek to unpack the great challenges which confront peoples, nations, and the world at large. We aspire to be a leading academic forum and exchange hub promoting better understanding both of China and of the world.

With the support of government at all levels and of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, IIA has assembled an innovative, international talent pool with both interdisciplinary strength and leadingedge sector expertise. We have been experimenting with a combination of academic and policy research (with equal emphasis on each), and policy consultancy. We have set up workgroups focused respectively on academic research, policy research and project management. IIA also organizes annually themed international academic and policy conferences and seminars, and operates an international study visits programme. IIA aims to foster both sectoral research expertise and interdisciplinarity in a culture of open intellectual exchange. We seek to be a powerhouse of original knowledge creation in the humanities and social sciences.

I would like to thank all my colleagues for their dedication and hard work, and also express my gratitude to the many others who have given us their attention and support. I am confident that, like those great academic institutions which have stood the test of time, we shall unceasingly and without fear explore our own future, just as we study the future of China and of the world.

Zheng Yongnian


President's Profile

Zheng Yongnian
Professor, CUHK-Shenzhen
President, IIA

Professor Zheng is Editor of The Asian Review of Political Economy (Springer-Nature) and Editor of China Policy Series (Routledge).

Professor Zheng graduated from Peking University (BA in International Relations, 1985; MA in Political Theory, 1988) and Princeton University (MA in Political Science, 1992; PhD, 1995). He was a Lecturer in the Department of Politics and Public Administration of Peking University (1988-1990); Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow of the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore (1997-2005); Professor and Research Director of the China Policy Institute, University of Nottingham (2005-2008); Professor and Director of the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore (2008-2020). He was a Fellow of the US Social Science Research Council-MacArthur Foundation (1995-1997) and a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellow (1998-2000).

Professor Zheng’s main research interests are international relations, China’s foreign policy, China’s domestic transformation and its external impact. He has authored and edited some one hundred books, including more than a dozen monographs in English. He has published numerous research papers in academic journals.

Professor Zheng has been selected as the Top 2% Scientists ranked by Stanford University and Elsevier in 2024.