IIA Research News【Vol. 28】

【Dynamic 1】How to promote high-quality development in Guangdong

The report of the 20th Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) proposed that "high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a modern socialist country." The Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and the Guangdong Provincial Government have sounded the call for high-quality development at the "first meeting of the new year" and held a provincial conference on high-quality development to mobilize and deploy key work for the whole year, as well as to draw up a blueprint for the province's high-quality development.

At present, the domestic economic recovery is facing multiple challenges, and the international situation is still not optimistic. To properly understand the concept of "Reclaiming a New Guangdong", it is necessary to identify the positioning of Guangdong in the three modernizations, effectively address the many challenges it is currently facing, and promote high-quality development in a targeted manner. How to achieve high-quality development? The key to material modernization is to achieve high-quality industrial transformation and build a high-level science and innovation system; the second is to realize institutional modernization, the focus of which is to implement a high level of reform and opening-up; the third is to realize human modernization, the core of which is to inherit and carry forward Guangdong's unique spiritual civilization. In terms of how to promote high-quality development in Guangdong, Guangdong should start from six aspects, including "promoting provincial co-ordination, boldly empowering counties, and forming a reasonable division of labour across the province", and practice Chinese modernization that advances on all three levels.


Sources from:www.ycwb.com


【Dynamic 2】Research on the next stage of China's economy

To achieve an economic relaunch and to take the next step in China's economic journey, there is an urgent need to reorganize some of the problems that we are currently facing and the big ideas for solving them. Traditional thinking about China's economic development and growth has focused on the "troika", namely investment, trade, and consumption. At present, although many of the economic problems are old, it is difficult to solve them in the old way; and it is even more difficult to solve newly created problems in the old way. Both old and new problems require new approaches, and new approaches require new ideas and new thinking.

New thinking about China's economy has to go beyond specific economic issues and revolve around solving the three major problems faced by enterprises and entrepreneurs. Firstly, why business? The key to this question is the protection of property and the personal safety of entrepreneurs. Secondly, what to do? This is the question of space. If the boundary between state and private capital is not addressed, and if private capital does not have sufficient institutional space and room to operate, then even if it wants to make a difference, it will be hard to do so. Third, how to do it? This is a question of means and tools. Enterprises need capital and financial support, a unified national market, unified rules, and unified standards.

As long as there is development, problems can always be solved, that is "problems in development", and problems arising from development have to be solved through development. This is why we have been emphasizing "development is the hard truth" since the 1980s, and it is for the same reason that "development is the first priority" is mentioned today. Therefore, we still need to attach importance to development and growth.


Sources from:www.vcg.com


【Dynamic 3】Assessment of the Unmanned Airship Crisis in China and the United States

In early February 2022, the accidental entry of an unmanned Chinese civilian weather dirigible into US airspace continued to fester, reigniting tensions between the US and China that had eased slightly over the past three months. Despite repeated explanations from the Chinese side that the airship was civilian and had mistakenly entered US airspace due to force majeure, the US side insisted that the balloon was of an espionage nature, and not only postponed Secretary Blinken's visit to China, but also arranged for an F22 fighter jet to shoot down the airship by firing missiles.

We must be soberly aware that after the failure of economic and trade relations, China and the US should indeed find a new solid footing to stabilize relations as soon as possible. Cooperation in areas such as climate governance, nuclear non-proliferation, provision of international public health products, and curbing inflation all hold promise as new solid footings. China and the US must quickly develop a consensus to avoid a repeat of such serious miscalculations that could lead to conflict or even war.

Despite all the hype about the dirigible incident in the US and some Western countries, the US administration has so far retained its sanity. While President Biden said in his State of the Union address on 7 February local time that "if [China] threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country", he also said, "I am committed to a partnership with China that advances American interests and benefits the world". For us, it is in the mutual interest of both sides that relations between the US and China continue to stabilize, and a loss of control will not help to improve the international environment for China, which will face further risks and obstacles to Chinese-style modernization. We need to learn the lessons and not let individual political figures among the hardliners and anti-China faction in the US define the US-China relationship. We also need to have the power to redefine the US-China relationship, and the key is to exercise the power of reason. If this is done, there is hope for the stability of US-China relations.


Sources from:https://www.defense.gov


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