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IIA's Policy Report
[Policy Report 111] Zheng Yongnian, Yang Xiangfeng: The Origin, Endgame and Impact on the International Order of The Russia-Ukraine War
Authored on:2022-03-02
Russia-Ukraine War
Chinese Diplomacy
International Order

The most direct reason for the war between two East Slavic countries is Russia's invasion of the territory of Ukraine. In the first week of the war, the international " resist Russian and aid Ukraine" has entered the "crowdfunding mode". The future Russia-Ukraine conflict has a long and permanent trend, the Cold War II in Europe has taken shape. The Russia-Ukraine war has affected China's interests at least in three aspects: Great power strategy, Cross-Strait relations and economic sanctions against Russia. We need to make calm analysis, maintain strategic focus, firmly seize the strategic initiative, avoid being hijacked and manipulated by relevant countries, proceed from international interests, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and make concrete analysis of specific issues.
Research Questions
The cause of the outbreaking of the Russia-Ukraine war
How will the Russia-Ukraine war ended