[Policy Report No. 134] Zheng Yongnian & Guo Hai: China wants to show a Chinese solution to the Ukraine crisis
Authored on:2022-03-17
Keywords Russia-Ukraine situation China-Europe relations


With the Russian-Ukrainian conflict at a stalemate, China increasingly needs to articulate its own independent representations and solutions to the Ukrainian crisis. So far, not only does the United States continue to speculate on the so-called "Sino-Russian axis," but China is still heavily influenced by the U.S. factor in its formulation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. In this situation, China needs to reassess and redefine the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and propose a Chinese solution to it as soon as possible. We believe that (1) despite the fact that Sino-U.S. relations not only have no room for improvement but are even deteriorating, China should still avoid confrontation with the U.S. by being caught in the Russia-Ukraine conflict; (2) make efforts to form a community of interests with France, Germany and other European countries to propose an agenda for mediating the Russia-Ukraine conflict; (3) maintain communication with Russia; (4) further increase its efforts to implement humanitarian crisis assistance to Ukraine and consider receiving Ukrainian refugees; and (5) clearly presenting China's position on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Research Questions

  • How China responds to the Russo-Ukrainian conflict
  • China's response to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict